KPPSC PPSC FPSC English lecturer Interview questions and Answers

 English lecturer Interview questions preparation. 

Welcome to the  studyBuddies platform. Here you can find all important interview questions asked in an English lecturer interview or an English subject specialist interview. 

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Question.1) The Ancient Mariner', who wrote this poem?

Ans. Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

What is Ancient Mariner’s Sin and Redemption?

Answer: The Mariner killed the Albatross, that is. He killed God's creation. It was his sin. He prayed to the water snakes/thousands of slimy things and was freed from the curse; it was his redemption/salvation.

 Question: What is a phantom ship?

 Answer. A type of ship skeleton appeared on the Mariner's ship. It is known as the Phantom Ship. It is a supernatural element. There were two edges on that ship. One was Death, and the other was Life in Death. They played dice for the Mariner's life, whether he would die (be killed) or suffer much more in life than death. He ended up winning the life-in-death lottery.

 Question.4) Is the Mariner responsible for his suffering?

 Answer: Yes, I think the Mariner is responsible for his suffering. Because he killed an innocent bird that didn't hurt him.

 Question.5)Why was the ancient Mariner killed



 The ancient Mariner killed Albatross because it suddenly occurred to him that everything

 climate changes, tyrannical storms, ice, and fog came because of that bird.

 Question.6) What are the supernatural elements in Ancient Mariner?

Answer: Supernatural elements are Albatross, ghost ships, life to death, death, water snakes, slimy things, and the sea.

 Question.7) Quote some lines from The Ancient Mariner:

 "Water, water, everywhere

 And all the boards got smaller

 Water, water everywhere

 Not a drop to drink.

"He who loves prays best

 the best; All things great and small;

 For the sweet God who loves us;

 He created and loved everything.

Alone, alone, all alone, all alone

 Alone on the high seas!

 And the saint never showed mercy

 My soul in agony."

"Her lips were red; curls were free

 Her locks were yellow as gold:

 Her skin was white like leprosy.

Day after day, day after day

 We were stuck, with no breath, no movement;

 Idle as a painted ship

 On the painted ocean.

Question.8) Explain three stages of the poet's growth in  Tintern Abbey.


 In Tintern Abbey, there are three stages in the growth of the poet's love of nature - the boyish delight in freedom, the transitional period of admiring nature's sensual beauty, and deep love.

 For nature, of a religious nature.

Question.9) Who was Milton? Why does the poet remind him?

Answer. John Milton was a revolutionary writer of England. The public was so influenced that democracy was established there. When democracy was again rejected, he wrote Paradise lost.

Question. 10) Why does the poet remember Milton in Sonnet “To Milton

 Ans: To save the nation that is corrupt, clashing, immoral, and busy with self-interest and making money by any means. Milton holds them with his heaven-level morality.

Question. 11) Who wrote Tintern Abbey?

 Answer: William Wordsworth

*When does Wordsworth visit Tintern Abbey for the first time and again?

 Ans. First, visit 1793 repeated visit 1798.

What type of poet was Wordsworth?

 Romantic poet.

Question. 12) Who wrote Dover Beach?

Ans.Mathew Arnold.

Answer. The central theme of this poem.

 The poet enjoys a moonlit night while visiting Dover Beach with his wife. When the water splashes on the beach, the sound of pebbles (Nuri) resembles the sad music of humanity, Sophocles heard this sound long ago. People fight each other like an ignorant army killing their people by mistake.

Question. 13) What is a dramatic monologue?

Answer. "Mono" means one, and "Logue" means dialogue; the narrator himself is only the speaker. No other spokesperson 

was found. There may be a silent listener.

Question. 14)Who wrote Ode to a Nightingale?

Answer. John Keats.

Question. 15) Why does the poet say that his song is immortal?

Answer. The nightingale dies, but its song remains the same in another nightingale's voice. In this poetic sense, the music is immortal.

 Question 16) Is the real world different from the ideal world in the poem?

 Answer. The real world has reality; we have suffering, sorrow, and unhappiness here. But the ideal world is like our cherished desire; it is full of happiness and gives us imaginary pleasure.

Question.17) Is keats a Pessimist?

 Keats is a pessimist. After the death of his brother, he felt severe frustration. He wanted to die during the nightingale's song because it felt like the best quiet time.

Question. 18) Who wrote Ode to the West Wind?

Answer. Perssey Bessey Shelly.

Question. 19) Why is the west wind destructive and constructive?

Answer. The west wind, when blowing fast, destroys trees, dwellings, etc. The west wind again washes away all the dirt and evil and gives new life to nature; that is why it is called constructive.

Question. 20)Who wrote As You Like it, and Macbeth?

Answer: William Shakespeare.

Question. 21) What Are supernatural Supernatural elements in Macbeth? 

Answer: The Three Witches, Banquo's Ghost, etc.

 Question. 22) Slogan of the three witches

 Ans: "Fair is foul; foul is fair."

 Float through the fog and dirty air."

Question. 23) Why did Macbeth kill the king?

Answer. Influenced by his wife, Macbeth killed Duncan to become King of Scotland.

Question. 24) Greed/work or fate/fate responsible for the tragic end of Macbeth and his wife? 

Answer:The greed, of course.

Question. 25) Who eventually became king?

Ans: Malcolm became king.

Question. 26) Who wrote Dr. Faustus?

Answer: Christopher Marlowe.

Question. 27) Who was Dr. Faustus?

Ans: A German physician and philosopher with an endless thirst for knowledge. This quality made him a Renaissance hero.

Question. 28) What was his act with Lucifer?

Answer. He gives his soul to Lucifer in exchange for 24 years of black magic service with Mephistophilis.

Question. 29) Explain Faustus' religious beliefs?

Answer. He was almost always against Christ, but he prayed to Christ to save him in the end. But it was too late.

Question. 30) Who wrote Shooting an elephant?

Answer. George Orwell.

Question. 31) Why did the writer shoot the elephant?

Answer: Being forced by the situation.

Question. 32)Why did he quit his job?

Ans: Orwell hated both colonizers and colonists.

Question. 33) Who wrote the novel Pride and Prejudice?

Answer: Jane Austen.

Question. 34) What was in the novel Pride and Prejudice?

Ans: Darcy was from an aristocratic family. Once in a conversation with Bingley, Darcy remarked about Elizabeth, "She cannot tempt me." It was Darcy's proud speech. Elizabeth heard it from inside the room. She felt a great shock; she did not understand Darcy. This was her prejudice.

Question.35) Who was Francis Bacon?

Ans:Bacon was the  Father of English Essays. He wrote thematically excellent essays.

Question. 36) What, according to Bacon, is the purpose of reading?

Answer: Weigh and consider. Do not contradict and do not confuse.

Question. 37) What is Bacon's view of truth?

Answer. A mixer of lies always adds to the pleasure. It means people feel joy when they mix a lie with the truth. They naturally reject both the pure truth and the pure falsehood.

Question. 38) Bacon's view of married and single life.

Answer: A single man is unreliable because he can take any risk. A single man can be a good friend. On the other hand, a married man never takes risks, works reliably, and thinks of his family. But a married man cannot be a good friend because he is always attentive to his wife and child.

Question. 39) Who wrote Gulliver's Travels?

Answer: Jonathon Swift.

Question. 40) What type of composition is it?

Ans: Fully satirical to the British government.

Name the four Voyages of Gulliver.



 C. Laputa.

 d. Houyhnhnms.

Question. 41) what does the War between Big Endian and Little Endian signify? 

Ans: In the fairytale land of Lilliput, which represents England in miniature. Meanwhile, there was a civil war.

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